Religious Education for Children

Religious Education

Educacion Religiosa

  • The Religious Education Program welcomes children for ongoing catechesis from first grade through high school. While recognizing that parents have been entrusted to teach their children to pray and discover their vocation as children of God, our faith community offers a place of catechesis for children and their families. For registration or information, please contact the Religious Education department at 239-992-0901.


  • El Programa de Educación Religiosa reúne a niños de primer grado hasta la secundaria. Los padres están a cargo de enseñar a sus hijos a rezar y a descubrir la vocación de hijos por Dios. Nuestra comunidad de fe ofrece un lugar de catequesis para los niños y sus familias. Para inscripciones o información, comunicarse con el Departamento de Educacion Religiosa al 239-992-0901.

What is Religious Education?

Religious Education is the process of forming our faith through catechesis. While faith is a gift from God given to us at Baptism which enables us to “believe in God and believe all that he has said and revealed to us” (Catechism of the Catholic Church #1814) as well as “freely commit the entire self to God” (Dei Verbum #78), this ability must be utilized, nurtured, and formed to reach its fruition.

This process of nurturing and formation is carried out through catechesis, which “is nothing other than the process of transmitting the Gospel, as the Christian community has received it, understands it, celebrates it, lives it and communicates it in many ways" (General Directory for Catechesis #105). Through building up knowledge of the faith, participating in liturgy, forming morals, teaching to pray, fostering community life and the missionary spirit, it leads all God's people to an ever deepening relationship with God who reveals himself in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.


What is the Religious Education Program at St. Leo's?

Just as in intellectual formation, a solid faith formation during the first years of life is an imperative foundation for the lifelong process of catechesis. This is usually accomplished through attending Religious Education classes at the parish from first grade through high school. Therefore, St. Leo’s offers Religious Education classes once per week for all children in first grade through high school each year, September-May, to crown their growing knowledge at school each week with a growing understanding in faith.

A crucial component of this education is the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation at their proper time. While preparation for Baptism is offered to children ages 7 to 17 each year, First Communion is usually received in 2nd grade and Confirmation in 10th grade. Except for Baptism, young people are required to attend two full consecutive years of Religious Education prior to the reception of a sacrament in order to prepare themselves properly.

For more information, please contact the Religious Education department at 239-992-0901.

Families who have questions about registration should contact the religious education office.

Las familias que tengan preguntas sobre el registro deben comunicarse con la oficina de educación religiosa.

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